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Pravidelne budeme pre vás vysielať bezplatné Webináre z oblasti projektového riadenia a zároveň pripravujeme aj školenie PRINCE2 formou webinárov.
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Refund Guarantee Policy

INBOX SK is a brand whose goal and vision is to deliver quality, high-ranking and top services to our clients and partners. As a result, we are proud of the quality of our services . Furthering our continued yearning for excellence, we provide a money-back guarantee. The money-back guarantee exists to eliminate all forms of dissatisfaction that may be entertained by our clients and partners as well as users of our services. For Whatsoever reason, if you are not satisfied with the quality of our service, you can claim the full refund of your payment! It is that serious. However, there are different conditions for a refund of our products and services.
The Refund Guarantee policy for the following categories is in the following order:

Classroom Students

Refund guarantee is available to classroom students only to the extent that the students must indicate intention for a refund timely. What constitutes timely indication of intention for a refund is that the student must make the demand on the first day of class. Where any student who is for whatsoever reason dissatisfied with our services fails to so make a demand for a refund within one day of the commencement of class, such student automatically loses the right to a refund .

Classroom Training students

Our money-back guarantee is open for our classroom training students . For the time being we are offering in-house training for our students. To this extent, any student who is dissatisfied with our services for whatever reason shall, as a matter course, seek cancellation and a refund on the first day of training. We shall not accept cancellation after the expiration of the first day. It should be noted that although we accept cancellations made on the first day of training, we nevertheless will not refund trainer direct costs like tickets, accommodation, per-diem etc.


The money-back guarantee policy is also affected by our certification. In some sort of certification ( for example PRINCE2 ), the price of training MUST contain the certificate. Once we buy the certificate for the students, it is NOT Refundable. That is the reason that we have deemed it appropriate to buy certification exam only after the period of refund.
For Other trainings such as PMI, Scrum, PMO, PMI-ACP, amongst others, the certificates are acquired separately, in this instance, there is no need for a refund.

Downloadable paid content

Our prince-2.sk Platform may include downloadable paid content in the form of e-books, professional templates, tools, videos etc. This option usually includes the option to check some part of a product or service for free. If you are not sure about the quality, you can ask Project Academy to provide you more free content. Once you ask, Project Academy would oblige you that privilege.

However, where the request for more free content is given, Such a product, after the download consequent upon the free content is not a subject of refund, except it is clearly and unambiguously mentioned that Refund is allowed. In other words, for there to be a refund, there must be a provision expressly that refund is allowed Where there is no such provision, a refund is not available .

Prince-2.sk E-learning

Upon registration, paying the required sum and gaining access to the e-learning, students have 3 days to check the content and express their satisfaction. Three days is the window period for students to confirm whether they are satisfied or otherwise. Where any student is not satisfied for whatever reason, such student can ask for a full refund. It is instructive to note here that the Refund is only possible during the three day window At the expiration of the three days, refund is no more available.

In case a certification exam is a part of e-learning, this can be provided to students only after a refund period expires, since certification authorities do not accept any cancellations after exam voucher or any other form of certification is issued.

In case the students need the certificate sooner than a refund period, they must explicitly express that they waive the right of refund option. Waiver operates the divest students of the right.
On the whole, concerning our E-learning, refund is very much available .

Third-party eLearning

Prince-2.sk website can sell the access to eLearning provided by a third party. This should be explicitly mentioned on the website. In this case, two different options are available:
1) We have the right to sell third-party content and payment is processed to our company. In case of refund, we provide the same refund conditions as for our own content.
2) If the content is owned by the partner, we simply forward all the visitors to partner's website, where visitor realizes the purchase. Since the money is collected by our partners, any refund requests should be processed by the partner´s organization.

Refunding process

When issuing a refund, you must provide us with accurate information:

  1. Which product you purchase,
  2. When
  3. How much did you pay
  4. Bank statement confirming the transaction

This information should be sent to us either by the special form provided by the website or by email sent to our customer service.

The refund process will start only if your refund application contains this information. Failure to abide by these instructions may result in not being able to get a refund.

At INBOX SK sro. we stand for excellence in all our products and services. It is in furtherance of the yearning to continue in entrenching quality service delivery that we provide a money-back guarantee policy for our esteem students, clients and partners. It is our resolve to continue in the pursuit of excellent and unparalleled service delivery.




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Rýchle informácie

Bezplatné školenia cez ÚP od 8.4.2024

Národný projekt Zručnosti pre trh práce prináša možnosť BEZPLATNE získať finančnú podporu na vzdelávanie či rekvalifikáciu. Projekt je učený pre pracujúcich aj pre nezamestnaných ľudí. V rámci tohto projektu máte možnosť požiadať Úrad práce o preplatenie všetkých nami poskytovaných kurzov a to hlavne PRINCE2, SCRUM, ITIL.

V prípade záujmu nás kontaktujte mailom na [email protected] alebo 0915 890 650.

Školíme aj PRINCE2 verziu 7.

Od septembra 2023 je možno získať certifikát PRINCE2 Foundation a Practitioner aj v najnovšej verzii PRINCE2 verzia 7. Táto verzia so sebou prináša veľké množstvo zmien a podstatne sa odlišuje od predchádzajúcich verzii.

Pripravované školenia

V roku 2024 pripravujeme rozšírenie certifikačnej schémy a plánujeme do nášho portfólia zahrnúť nasledovné školenia: DevOps, ITIL - vyššie stupne certifikácie, P3O, Jira a Kyberbezpečnosť - NIS2.
Ak máte predbežný záujem o niektoré zo školení, napíšte nám Email a budeme vás informovať o otvorení kurzu.

Konferencia "Projektový manažment 2024"

Fakulta manažmentu UK pripravuje konferenciu o nových trendoch v projektovom riadení, ktorá sa uskutoční 18. apríla od 15:30 do 18:30, Miestnosť D2, Fakulta managementu UK, Odbojárov 10, Bratislava. Vstup je bezplatný. Tu je leták ku konferencii.



PRINCE2 verzia6 manuál

Pripravili sme pre vás nové vydanie dvojjazyčného manuálu "Základy metódy projektového riadenia PRINCE2" verzia 6.. Manuál prináša aktualizované infrormácie    o metodike PRINCE2 a je vhodný aj na školenia PRINCE2 Foundation.

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